Planning paves the way for future Emergency Department

The extensive redevelopment of Liverpool Hospital will include a significant expansion of our Emergency Department (ED), transforming it into one of the largest EDs in the country.

Consultation with frontline workers, clinicians and medical staff has been a key component of the project. Their insights, ideas and feedback was critical to ensuring the future ED was designed to enhance patient care and support new workflows.

ED Nurse Manager, Melissa Wakefield, said the planning and design processes were very collaborative and have helped to create an ED that will benefit both staff and patients. “Our ED teams are really excited to soon be able to see staff input translated into physical spaces and new ways of working. “The co-location of key services will significantly enhance care provision, and we’re aiming for a oneway physical journey for patients from when they enter ED to being assessed and either discharged or admitted to the hospital,” Melissa said.

The careful planning of the future ED will be welcomed by both community and staff. To learn more about key features of the future ED, check out our latest video at